Monday, July 25, 2011

July 18th Email !!!

Hey Everyone,
3 and a half weeks left!! Crazy!! Sorry these last couple weeks of emails is going to be a little shorter than normal because I'm trying really hard not to get trunky :). So I'm just gonna get on, tell you whats going on then take off to ball it up in Fort Myers. We taught Angy this past week with Sister Leatherwood and Sister Bennett and she is absolutely golden! She took everything in so well and her fellowshippers are amazing. She went over to Sister Bennett's last night to do her reading assignment. We are also teaching a man named Michael. Michael has been investigating the church for some time now and had some problems with our beliefs due to how he was raised in his faith. He has been able to over come those obstacles and come to know that this is the true church. The hold up now is smoking. He has been smoking for most of his life. A lot like Bill. He is living somewhere that we know unless he moves out he won't be able to overcome that addiction. He is being helped by members to find him a better place to stay. The Lord continues to bless us as we are working smart. We have received two media referrals and plan to contact them as soon as possible and hopefully begin to teach them and bring them unto the fold.
I Love You All,
Elder Salmon

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